Séjour de surf à Essaouira

 Empowering Youth through Sports: The Vision and Impact of Essaouira Gliss City (EGC)

In the heart of Morocco lies a beacon of hope and development for young people—Essaouira Gliss City (EGC). Formerly known as UCPA Maroc until January 2015, EGC has been a pivotal force since its inception in 2001. This organization is not just about sports; it’s about transforming lives, fostering social integration, and promoting personal and professional growth through various programs, internships, and sports holidays. EGC is committed to making sports accessible to everyone, with a particular focus on training, employability, and broad access to sports as means for social and economic development.

The Spirit of EGC

At the core of Essaouira Gliss City's mission is the belief that sports can be a powerful tool for education, integration, and personal development. This spirit drives the association to reach out to as many young people as possible, providing them with opportunities that can shape their futures. By promoting access to sports and training, EGC aims to create pathways to professional and social integration, helping young people build a foundation for a better life.

⁠leçon de surf à Essaouira

⁠Faire du surf à Essaouira

Surfer à Essaouira

Stage de surf à Essaouira

Séjour de surf à Essaouira

Kite à Essaouira

Kitesurf à Essaouira

Cours de kite à Essaouira

Cours de kitesurf à Essaouira

Faire du kite à Essaouira

⁠Faire du kitesurf à Essaouira

EGC’s efforts are not confined to local development; the organization also operates on a national scale, supported by the dedication and involvement of its staff and the trust of its partners. This includes both private and public entities that have been instrumental in enabling EGC to perform at its best. The organization's success is a testament to the strong collaborations and support systems it has built over the years.

Core Areas of Action

EGC focuses on four main areas of action to achieve its mission:

1. Youth Education and Poverty Alleviation

One of the primary goals of EGC is to use sports as a means of educating youth and alleviating poverty. The organization runs various animation and prevention actions designed to engage young people in sports activities. These initiatives not only promote physical well-being but also serve as educational tools, teaching discipline, teamwork, and resilience. By participating in these activities, young people learn valuable life skills that help them navigate challenges and build a better future.

Moreover, EGC’s programs aim to combat poverty and precariousness. By providing a safe and supportive environment where young people can grow and learn, EGC helps them develop the skills and confidence needed to break the cycle of poverty.


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